Fall 2011 Registration Coming Soon!

Fall registration will start in the next couple weeks.  We are in the process of converting registration to an on-line system.  We ask for your patience as we transition to a system that we hope will make things easier. Please check back for the exact date that registration will begin and for the link to registration.  Your child's age on September 1st determines their eligibility to play Fuller Soccer this fall.  Your child must be aged 5 by September 1st to play.  Registration will be $25/player.

Important Dates to Remember:

Saturday, September 10th: Soccer Jamboree
Saturday, October 15th: End of Season

General Information:

5/6 League plays on Monday or Wednesday night (can vary by week) and on Saturdays
7/8 League plays on Tuesday or Thursday night (can vary by week) and on Saturdays