Team Manager Duties

Before the Jamboree

Call all families on your team by Tuesday, May 3rd if possible. Let them know your name, phone number, and team’s name as well as the time, date and place for the Jamboree (Saturday, May 7th at Washburn Commons: 9 am for 5-6 year old teams and 10:30 for 7-8 year old teams). Also let them know the date, time and place for the first two season games. Have players wear their team shirt to the Jamboree if they have it. Shirts will be passed out at the Jamboree to kids who need them. Please let families know that shin guards are required—they can be purchased inexpensively at Target, Play It Again Sports, etc

Bring beverage for you entire team to the Jamboree. (We no longer bring snacks.)

At the Jamboree

At the Jamboree, ask each family to sign up to bring drinks to one game during the season--enough for each of the players (and extras for player’s siblings) (Again, no snacks).

Hand out the final team schedule and roster to each family along with the “Dear Families” letter.

Have each family fill out the emergency contact list. Keep this list with your clipboard in the unlikely event it is ever needed.

At the Games

Come to the Jamboree and all games. Try to be at the game field 10 minutes before the game starts. Find a substitute if you can’t be there.

Talk with your team’s coaches to decide how your team wants to handle rotations. You will receive a packet with rotation chart. The Team Manager is responsible for having players ready to rotate in. Some coaches may prefer to handle rotations themselves by circulating positions. However you decide to do this, try to keep kids ready on the sidelines.

Keep time for the games. Games consist of eight 5-minute periods. If the ball is in play when time is up, let the kids play through and call time when the ball goes out of bounds.

Decisions to cancel games due to weather are made by the managers/coaches of each team together. Call team roster to cancel game in case of inclement weather. Games will be played in the rain unless it is a downpour and/or lightning (use your discretion). We will not be able to play at Fuller Park in the rain. The season is pretty short, so it would be nice to get in all the games. If you decide to cancel a game, try to contact all families on your team (enlist parents to help make the calls). If you would like to schedule a make up game, Tom Kremer, 987.2452 to find out when a field is available.


All players will receive personalized medallions or trophies at the end of the season. Please check the roster with parents to insure that our database has correct spellings. E-mail Tom Kremer at by May 11 to let her know if your team has any spelling or player changes. If she doesn’t hear from you, we’ll assume your roster is correct

End of Season

At the end of the season please return clipboards, pencils, rotation charts and extra t-shirts to Charles Spolyar, 21 Rustic Lodge West (one block north of Ramsey Field)